China Feb 2012
Good Night Beijing! Crashed in the airport for a few hours before heading to the wall
Mmmmm...woke up to Chinese Mickey D's coffee
Beijing Skyline
My Buddy. He actually saluted me on the way out
Many Chinese tourists on this section of the wall
'Cindy' our guide
It basically says 'Be a man, Climb the Wall!'
Village at the wall
Example of weaponry of the time
Happy Travellers. Ted, Nattaya, and I at Juyong Pass
Steep section
Many beautiful Temples and buildings at this section
Not a bad gig, Great Wall cop!
Entrance to the Ming Tombs
The 'Soul Tower' where the Emperor is burried
The 'Yin and Yang' gate at the tomb
Original headstone at the tomb of Emperor Muzong of the Ming Dynasty
View from the tomb
No tourists. The Chinese people believe the tomb is full of ghosts and won't go there
Jade market
Some amazing pieces
Some, as big as me!
What everyone needs, solid jade patio furniture. About $80.000.00
The base is wood, but the carving is Yellow Jade
It was an incredible trip! From temples in the north, to almost crashing into the river on a motorbike, to seeing wonderful new places I have never been, and spending days on the river, hiking, boating, and just relaxing!. But mostly just interacting with the local people and learning about new food, meeting new friends, and realizing what truly matters in life! Can't wait till next time!
Posted by ikombazana 17:46